Monday, July 2, 2012

Nick's Review of That European Soccer Thing

I didn't watch much of that soccer thing in Europe, but I was chagrined whenever Sportscenter covered that tedious nonsense. Aside from one instance in which I had misplaced the remote control and had to hastily search for it, I was able to change the channel quickly. That Alexi Lalas chatterbox is really starting to bother me, but thankfully, America's team failed to qualify for this summer's olympics, and so ESPN will no doubt scale back its coverage of the Soccer Menace.

Brief and accidental viewings of the European soccer thing confirmed that action, points, physicality, and hands are still frowned upon. This is mainly because the playing-field remains entirely too long and wide. The sport continues to be plagued by an overabundance of players per team--especially when one considers that so few of them ever do anything worth noting. The time-keeping and out-of-bounds policies remain a senseless mystery to me, but there's no point in learning more about the nuances of such a dismal sport.

Apologists of the sport maintain that the European soccer thing yielded some exciting moments, but they get aroused by game-play that goes absolutely nowhere for 45 minutes at a time, so who cares what they think?

Apparently Spain won; in fact, they dominated. Hopefully the rest of the world will become too dejected to challenge Spain in soccer ever again, non-Spaniards across the globe will simply give up, and the game will be relegated to but one country that hasn't been relevant since the death of Christopher Columbus in 1506.

In conclusion, at least nobody rioted over that boring crap this time.

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