Friday, January 26, 2018

Trump Praised by Rural Americans for Not Calling Their County a Shithole

"Great news! He didn't call this place a shithole!"

In the wake of his crass remarks about Haiti and African countries, citizens throughout the U.S. are praising President Trump for not calling the counties they live in a shithole. Americans such as Stu Gipson of Waupaca in Waupaca County, Wisconsin have taken to social media to salute the president.
“I’ve heard hundreds of people refer to Waupaca as a shithole, and it hurts every time,” Gipson stated on Facebook. “But as far as I know, Trump has never jumped on that shithole bandwagon. And for that, he’s like a folk hero around here.”
Lurleen Campbell of Lynchburg in DeSoto County, Mississippi was likewise impressed.
“When the host of The Celebrity Apprentice, main eventer at WrestleMania 23, and also the leader of the free world does our county a solid by not saying it’s a shithole, that kind of generosity goes a long way in these parts.”
Perhaps Randy Trickle of Cooter in Pemiscot County, Missouri best expressed the gratitude felt by some of Trump’s base.
“I don’t use the word HONOR lightly,” Trickle tweeted. “But when the guy from #HomeAlone2/POTUS didn’t make a Pemiscot County= shithole comment, what an honor!”
 It remains unclear if these three Trump supporters misunderstood his words or simply don’t know the difference between a country and a county.

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