Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Complete the Story...

So, someone I work with very generously got this for me after I gave her a copy of my book. I thanked her a bunch of times. The concept ^ is to take a couple sentences you're given and then fill up the blank pages. I'd never dabbled with this sort of thing before and I've had a little bit of fun with it.

I don't know why, but these writing prompts tend to make me cynical, and my first response to "complete the story" is usually to sabotage/ shit all over the beginnings they offer me. There's only so much space granted, so I figure it might as well end in a punchline. Plus it just feels weird to carry on a story in someone else's voice.

Having said that, there's a morsel of art happening here. And anyway, to rant, I'm so fucking sick of memes, especially the one with the woman screaming at the cat, which is never funny under circumstances, and I'm tired of everyone seeking and getting high-fives for posting jokes and opinions they didn't come up with on their own, and it's so boring and safe and popular to be unoriginal, and I just can't relate to a lot of shit in the culture right now. So, however irrelevant this stuff may be, hey, at least it's mine. 


Unknown said...

Are we able to see the fruits of your labor on these prompts? Or are you saying these original essays take their place?

Unknown said...

Nevermind I see them now. My phone only shows one blog at a time.