Sunday, April 14, 2013

More Lyrics to "Bad Cops"

It feels peculiar for someone like me to ask you to watch something rather than read it, but here goes. Watch this.

Funny! But I'm dying to hear some additional verses. I'm left with a desire to add lyrics to “Bad Cops.” When I was in college I wrote a script for The Simpsons, which I revised a few months ago, and it is worth mentioning that I won't be getting paid for the lines that follow, either. I have yet to develop into much of a capitalist.

In the meantime, read this.

Bad Cops, Bad Cops...

Springfield cops are on the take
But what do you expect for the money we make?
Whether in a car or on a horse
We don't mind using excessive force

Bad Cops, Bad Cops...

We crack skulls and call it the norm
Chocolate is a stain on our uniforms
We're the worst cops a con could want at the scene
Wiggum caught his tie in a hot-dog machine

Bad Cops, Bad Cops...

Nevermind those shots at the Kwik-e-Mart
Better things to do once McGarnicle starts
Night-sticks club and tasers tase
Birthday boys hold their guns sideways

Bad Cops, Bad Cops...

Officers respond when we're damn good and ready
Carl is to Lenny as Lou is to Eddie
Fear ghost cars and gamble on squirrels
Fail to straighten out: Snake's red curls

Bad Cops, Bad Cops...

Guitar solo

Funky strummin' for awhile

A bunch of rap samples of handgun-fire solo

More funky strummin'

Bad Cops, Bad Cops

Just a few more gunshot noises, but—you know...tasteful ones.



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