Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bitch Objects to Being Called Ho

CHICAGO, Illinois (Associated Press)--

What began as an ordinary shoot for a rap video bound for YouTube erupted in calamity on Saturday, May 14th. Prior to filming a scene in the parking lot of a Red Roof Inn, local rapper Choco Ballz, 34, was harangued by Bajama Jones, a 22-year-old bitch, for referring to her as a “ho.” At the peak of the dispute, Choco Ballz, born Clarence Ivory, was thrown to the concrete and beaten. Jones later offered the following account.

“(Ballz) started ego-trippin' between takes, tryin' to get the bitches in my group all hot and bothered about his broke ass. He shouted, 'I wanna see some enthusiasm outta you hoes!' And I'm like, 'What? How dare you call me a ho! I'm a bitch.'”

Though Ballz describes the gaffe as “a damn shame,” he maintains that he tried his best to distinguish the bitches from the hoes at the video shoot.

“In the rap game, it's frowned upon to mistake a bitch for a ho and vice versa and I get all that, but hear me out: my director clearly asked all the hoes to form a line to the left of the Cadillac I borrowed from my cousin. So, either she can't follow directions, or else she really is a ho.”

Jake Hostetler, a recent Film graduate from Northwestern University and director of “South Side Joy Ride,” accepts a degree of blame for the misunderstanding.

“While I do adore the hip hop genre, I'm not quite certain how to differentiate a bitch from a ho,” Hostetler admits. “Perhaps I should have emphasized the difference between regular-left and stage-left.”

The apologetic speech Hostetler gave Jones did little to quell her indignation. Jones immediately posed a rhetorical question to the director. 

“First off, how can a 'left' be anything other than a regular left? And secondly, if that hipster don't know that a ho is like a mercenary who'll fuck any dude no questions asked, whereas a bitch is a loyal soldier who'll kill for her man, he shouldn't be directing rap videos in the first place.

“Pasty-faced punk,” Jones added.

The Hostetler/Ballz collaboration got testy not long after filming began. In response to a lyric in the song's first verse, “I got a bald head like my name was Horace Grant,” a nearby Jones howled with laughter and then booed Ballz for what she deemed “a weak-ass rhyme.”

“Who the hell is Horace Grant?” asked a confounded Jones. “Seriously! If you old enough to know who Horace Grant is and you ain't made it yet, you never gonna make it.”

Tension escalated to chaos 20 minutes later, when Ballz made his bitch/ho faux pas. Overcome with scorn, Jones confronted Ballz, shouted obscenities in his face, and wrangled him down when he attempted to flee into the lobby of the Red Roof Inn. Her rampage intensified after she thought she heard Ballz call her a “ho” a second time. In reality, witnesses attest that the terrified rapper was merely screaming, “Whoa!”
“Maybe I didn't have to snap that antenna off the hood of his cousin's ride and whip him a bunch of times and maybe I did,” Jones said. “We'll see which way Judge Judy rules when the time comes.”

Filming was postponed indefinitely due to the fracas, and in response to the attack, Ballz is debating whether to press charges or take the case to Judge Judy “for exposure.” Before his gurney was lugged into the back of an ambulance, Ballz had this to offer.

“I've always been one to treat bitches and hoes as equals,” Ballz lamented. “But when shit goes down like it did today, I gotta dig deeper for that conviction. To me, it's a real sad day not only for bitches, but for hoes as well.”

As for those aforementioned hoes, while they voiced disapproval, none interceded in the fight. When asked why her sect failed to restrain Jones, a ho who prefers to remain anonymous replied with five simple words.

“'Cause that bitch is crazy.”

(Hoes' woes continued on page B6: “Bankrupt Hostess Spells Doom for Ho-Ho's.”)

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