Saturday, March 13, 2010

Writers Love and Hate Words Too Much

I’m in the words business. When someone tells me I can earn $25 for a 1,000-word column, my eyes light up and I scream, “Two and a half cents per word? Holy Fuck, where do I sign up?” With so much cash at stake, writers can’t help but scrutinize their words. Some words disturb our nerves, others flicker with delight, and a select five words are so damn interesting that some guy decided to write a humor column about them. That guy’s name is me.

Turd: My least favorite word is “turd.” Despite the cheap rhyme, the word “turd” lends me the first two sentences of this paragraph, I have a queasy reaction to this synonym for excrement. Hearing this word spoken or reading it in print is the visceral equivalent of splashing around in a pool of rusty nails. One of my favorite authors dropped “turd” in a short story, and I was so jolted that I set the book down and tore open a pack of moist towelettes. A writer that uses the word “turd” in his prose has the effect of a bride saying the word “douchebag” in her wedding vows. The future Mrs. Norbert Oogelsteen will no doubt have to fight the urge to do this. (Give me a high-five for self-deprecation. YEAH!)

It’s not that I have qualms with obscenities. When used properly, swear words boost the gusto and intensity of language. The phrase “taking a s***” has no adverse effect on me, although I much prefer “dump” in place of “s***”. “Turd” is a different story, however, and I could never love a woman who has uttered this hideous word more than 50 times in her life.

It pains me to realize that I couldn’t express my distaste for the word “turd” without seeing it in print almost a dozen times. Up until now, I’ve refrained from using “turd” in a column, not even when describing an incident in which a mental patient dug her hand into a dirty toilet. Someone asked me what sort of illness this mental patient suffered from, and my guess was “Doodoofondle-itis,” which, for me, is more preferable than its joke alternative, “Turd-gropengitis.”

Can you believe the spell check rejected both “Doodoofondle-itis” AND “Turd-gropengitis”?


This is all I'm showing you from this essay because I want you to buy a copy of my book.


Unknown said...

Anyone that needs to know the plural of clitoris deserves no sympathy from those of us mere humans that barely know how to deal with one of them.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the dino comment. I enjoy dinos. goodbye