Saturday, August 16, 2008

Just Tires

I was on my way to dinner with a woman at a Mexican restaurant when it occurred to me that I had no chewing gum. When I’m on a date, chewing gum is a necessity. I need an instant remedy for the dragon breath brought on by those sneezing fits and vomit burps that you never see coming.

My date would be arriving at the train stop soon, so I started looking around for a convenience store to buy gum. As I quickly scanned the skyline, I caught a glimpse of a green and yellow sign, the same color design used by BP gas stations.

In actuality, the sign was for a store called Just Tires, but that didn’t register during the first take. As I was doing a double-take, I thought to myself hopefully, “DOES THAT PLACE SELL GUM? (Disappointed sigh.) Nope. Just tires.”

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